Images in this album are shown chronologically, with the first images of the year at the top left, working down to the last at the bottom

The Kansas Effect

Dawn Detonation

Encircling Cecellia

Surreal Maize

Mini Windmill, Dawn

Field O' Sunflowers

Lone Tree, Antelope, Cloud

Mato Tipila

Passing Rain Cloud

After Rain

Just Out For His Morning Walk

America Theater

River O' Colors


Secret Pool

Natrona County Library

The Wind Through The Trees

That Time O' Year

Other Worldly

Half Lit

Direction From Whence They Came

Ghosts Of Journies Past (pinhole image)


Carhenge Ode To 2001

Portal To Cars Of Old

Carhenge Event Horizon

Pops On Route 66

Christina Angeline Water Tank Artwork

Christina Angeline Water Tank Artwork, Backside

Christina Angelina's Kinetoscope, South Face