Being Presented

There comes a point in our lives, when in life, in a relationship, as a person, who we are, we need to present ourselves as naked to others... completely, wholly, purely revealing and showing them that, this is me, this is who I am... offering all that you are to them... and like a specimen being wheeled out upon a stage to be presented, we stand there in the spot light of their eyes, their judgements, hoping that our gift of freely offering ourselves, of who we are, will be taken gently and kindly
Taking It

Unfortunately sometimes though, our doing so is met with not the greatest of intentions, and we are taken advantaged of, our complete selves being used, picked apart for being this, or being that, scorned, ridiculed, beaten down of our vulnerabilities that we trustingly revealed in our nakedness to them. In such times though, we must find the strength to withstand their unkindly whips and lashings, and not let it scar who we are, to make us feel less of ourselves... we just sadly chose wrong, thinking this person would embrace, and love us for us, who it is that we are, that we completely unveiled for them to see... and for us now to walk away, and hope that someday that we may find a loving soul, who we can once again feel comfortable to reveal ourselves naked to
Bent, But Not Broken

Weathered by time, the elements (life, the world, people), shaped are we by them all. Hunched, bowed, strained by the weight of their forces bearing down on us. To get by, we succumb little by little, bit by bit, bending ourselves, who we are, to their demands, whims. Until we are misshapen.
Give up, we must not do though. Our sinewy core strengthened, we must hold ourselves up, not allowed to be broken. For we are our own beautiful life. Towards our own little piece of sky and light do we reach, stretch, and grow in the direction of and for.
We are life. We are beauty. Never must we forget that. No matter how bore down upon we have been made to be, and feel otherwise. We are creatures of love, and reaching to attain and achieve that light of love must we always struggle to grow towards, and be.
Love is pure. Love is strong. And in love, we may bend, but never will we be broken
Give up, we must not do though. Our sinewy core strengthened, we must hold ourselves up, not allowed to be broken. For we are our own beautiful life. Towards our own little piece of sky and light do we reach, stretch, and grow in the direction of and for.
We are life. We are beauty. Never must we forget that. No matter how bore down upon we have been made to be, and feel otherwise. We are creatures of love, and reaching to attain and achieve that light of love must we always struggle to grow towards, and be.
Love is pure. Love is strong. And in love, we may bend, but never will we be broken