Birthday of the little brother to this, the now, no longer baby of the family, and new big sister. However, it doesn't take long to notice that she was altogether avoiding the new little guy... that she would not interact with him, or even look in his direction.
Prior to the birth, not once had she shown any indication, that would foretell this behavior and reaction from her, with the birth of her new sibling. Seeing her be this way, others taken aback, surprised, as it was not even like her to behave so.
Above, lying with her ma, and her ma asking if she would like to meet, hold, her new little brother, and her noticeably being uncomfortable, and not wanting to do so, still not even looking towards his direction, nervously bringing her hands to her face and mouth...

All of the sudden, out of the blue, as if planned for, and prepared for just such a contingency, the awesome mother magically pulls out this file folder from out of nowhere, in which lies this printed certificate designating her a big sister, that she presents to her... leading to awe and admiration of the mother... a shining moment in her motherdom

And just like the Wizard of Oz's little representational gifts to the Scarecrow, Tin Man, and Lion, that little sheet of paper presented to her, did the trick for the little girl, and upon receipt of it, then for the first time, gazed upon the "baby that was in mommy's belly", and was now here, this little life, this new baby of the family, her new little brother

After a few minutes, it was as if the previous lack of attention and recognition towards him from her, never occurred, and from then on out, all was fine and good, he was her new baby brother, and she was his big sister!